IDT 740 Design Journal 5


I have been monitoring the implementation of this project and there are positives and negatives.  I am very excited that I can track user completion by unit and print reports to send to each unit’s management.  I like how I have a hard copy on the server and can renew this class each year to allow for a new group of employees to be in serviced.  This allows all employees to be educated because I think a lot of student workers were missed in the past.

One issue was that managers did not send out the directions to the employees.  I received a lot of questions from employees that were unsure how to log in and for what class to sign up for.  This in turn created an issue that the employee did not designate which unit they worked in.  This effected the unit reports when they were printed.  I had to obtain a written list, from these units, of employees that had taken it and manually put them into their assigned group.  I had to call eCampus for assistance on adding these users to a designated group.  After they explained it to me, it was quite easy to do.

Overall, I think it went pretty well.  Employees are adjusting to the change.  I have heard a few comments from employees that they prefer the “old” way of doing it but after I explain the rationale they seem to accept it.  The student workers enjoy it because they are used to logging into eCampus and find the change very simple and beneficial.

I think for future employees, I will ensure that they receive the directions on how to access the in-service.  Lack of communication was the downfall for this project implementation.  As we become more accustomed to this way of doing training, it will become easier and more accepted.

I will continue to try and update and keep the material creative and new (like the reading suggests) to keep the interest of employees since many of them will be completing this module every year.

IDT 740- Design Journal 4


I completed building my project and submitted it to my director, associate director, and a supervisor from the dining halls for review.  I had to contact eCampus for assistance because I had originally created my training as a self-enroll program.  I was unable to manually add them to the system to review it prior to me making it public.  ECampus was able to assist me by adding the above people into the system so they could review it.

The stakeholders were satisfied with the project and my director wanted me to start the program as soon as possible.  I contacted eCampus to make the class public and obtain a code to allow access to the class.

I created a handout to assist employees in logging on to the system.  We have quite a few older employees who are not computer savvy and I wanted to streamline the process to make it simple and easy to navigate.    The handout is a step-by-step guide on how to log in, access the class, how to navigate through the training, and how to take the quiz.  I also met with my director to see what guidelines for completion he wanted in place.  We decided to give six weeks for completion from the day we sent out the email informing mangers of this new process for in-servicing.  I sent out an email informing the other managers of the change in how we in-service and details on who needs to complete the training and when it needs to be completed.  I attached my step-by-step instructions on how to access the training.

The training is open to employees and I will monitor the success of its implementation.  I don’t feel that I had any challenges besides adding the stakeholders to review my content.  I feel that this part of the project went smoothly.

IDT 735 – Blog 7

  1.  What are the benefits and challenges of integrating educational robotics into classrooms?


  1. Teaches students to reason
  2. acting as a teacher makes students feel responsible for their tutee’s learning, leading them to be more persistent in covering the material than they would be alone.
  3. making academic struggles a little less personal
  4. socially assistive robots could help children diagnosed with autism by providing personalized encouragement.
  5. Robots never lose patience


  1. Students will go after weaker opponents to gain points and win games
  2. Lose that personal connection with the educator
  3. Budget
  4. Willingness of educators to use them in class.

2.  What are the benefits and challenges of allowing your students to bring their own devices?


  1. connects students with their natural way of doing things
  2. instructors did not have to use class time to teach the technology
  3. allows teachers to become collaborators with the students in the learning process
  4. immediate engagement with students
  5. empowers learners

Challenges –

  1. Students who do not have devices
  2. Can start bullying by some students who have devices towards those who don’t
  3. If schools buy the devices for students, it is very costly
  4. Need to provide wireless access ( finances for school)
  5. Some educators may be hesitant to use technology in their class

3.  What are your takeaways from the readings you selected?

After reading the two selected articles, there is a strong case for incorporating simulation learning experiences in clinical care training for a variety of health professionals.   The one article focused on developing counseling skills through pre-recorded videos and role play.  It can be a very challenging experience for a health care professional when they first start their training.  One must learn the expectations and skills along with being comfortable in their counseling skills.  Providing training in a teaching environment can allow students to hone their counseling skills and become more confident in their abilities.  This will provide a better clinical care experience for the patient.

The other article focuses on simulation training for Physical Therapy Students.  This training provides them with hands-on experience for patients that they will encounter in a work setting.  They can practice providing care in a real life setting since they can have the different monitors and tubing that can be connected to patients in a hospital setting.  This training will help to ease the anxiety and tension of new students who are not familiar with these devices.

By incorporating these technologies into healthcare training, we can ensure more competent professionals who will have the prior experience to draw from when they are providing patient care.


IDT-735 Blog 6

  1. How do educational games promote students’ emotional, behavioral, and cognitive engagement in learning?


Even simple game elements draw students into course content. More complex game mechanics can pique motiva­tion through the acquisition of points, the urge to race against peers, or the personal satisfaction of learning things that they can apply outside the activity. By participating in these types of activities, students acquire information and hone abilities while achieving interim goals that provide a clear sense of progress, rather than simply focusing on completing the course (7 Things you should know about gaming and Learning).


Educational Games show students that failure is not a setback but an opportunity to improve their knowledge and skill set.  This can result in more confident, independent thinkers who are prepared to take on large projects (7 Things you should know about gaming and Learning).


The use of games in learning might not be competitive in a conventional sense; in fact, they might require students to work together to solve problems. In other contexts, game mechanics encourage students to compete against themselves, looking to reach a personal best or to satisfy their own learning goals (7 Things you should know about gaming and Learning).


  1. Do you have any concerns if your students are learning in an environment like Quest to Learn?


Yes, I do have concerns about this format.  I do agree that hands-on learning is a great strategy to use in education but there also needs to be some traditional format as well.  I got the impression that the school treats life as one big game and that is not the case.  There will be times when students will need to learn how to sit still and be attentive (work meetings, presentations, etc.).  I really disliked the idea that the mother treated everything like a game.  There are consequences for not doing activities/chores in real life.  I assign my children chores and I do not treat it as a game.  I explain that there are certain duties that we have to attend to in life regardless of it’s a fun activity or not.  I fear that we may be creating individuals who will not have any idea of how to function without the gratification of treating everything as if it’s a game.


  1. Read the Gamification handout and choose one of the four gamified courses to explore (The Further Reading section describes four gamified courses and provides links to the four courses). What do you like about the course you chose to read more about? If you were asked to gamify the lesson you are planning for your final project, how are you going to do it?


I chose to look at Course 2 which was the webinar presented by Shaun Iles.  First, I never really gave much thought to how the reward points and incentives used by many franchises is gaming.  I found that very interesting.  I liked how you could not progress to the next module until you satisfactorily completed the first module.  That will ensure that the students have a good grasp of the material before they proceed.  The reward system will also be a good motivator for students to do well, the first time, on an assignment.

Also, sending the emails to help motivate students to try again is a good idea.  The thought that they can continue to try until they understand the material is beneficial.

In a way, I am gamifying my class for my final project.  It is based off of the USDA SuperTracker website.  On this site, the educator can create a group section for the students.  This allows them to compete in different food/physical activity challenges and accumulate points and badges for their efforts.


  1. How can virtual worlds or augmented reality be used for training or teaching the subjects you are interested in?

Dietitians could use the augmented reality to help interns learn the anatomy and physiology of the human body.  They would have a better visualization of how the organs and systems work together for the process of digestion and absorption.

As for virtual worlds, it would be helpful to set up counseling training sessions so interns could hone their skills for diet instructions.  They could practice in an environment where they could feel comfortable before moving on to real patients.




Works Cited


  1. “7 Things You Should Know about Games and Learning.” ELI (2014): 1-2. EDUCAUSE. Web. 5 Oct. 2016. <;.


Design Journal 3 – IDT 740


I finished setting up the units to designate where each employee works.  I spoke with two of our satellite locations (Potomac State and WVU Tech) to see how they complete their allergy training for dining employees.  We are under agreement that they would like to utilize my tool via eCampus to train their staff.  I completed adding all of the locations in eCampus.  I also completed adding in my content to each folder for training.  I was able to complete 9 sections for various information on training.

I was also able to complete a 10 question quiz for this training.   I have multiple choice and true/false questions for the employees to complete.  I also added in unlimited attempts for them to complete the quiz and a one hour time limit.  This will allow them multiple attempts if the material is new to them.  I made it so the correct answers will not show up when they complete the test.  I did this so employees would not copy off of each other or print the answers and distribute them.  I want the employees to know the material.

Some challenges that I had was adding the quiz to the material.   I could not get it to populate on the training page.  After calling eCampus help, they were able to assist me in getting it added.  Another issue is that I cannot get the titles for my folders to be in bold or larger print.  I want to draw attention to those titles and realized that I cannot do it.  I can however highlight text under the title.    This will allow me to draw attention to important details for employees.

From the readings, I am keeping in my mind that I need to cater to a vast array of educational backgrounds.  I need to keep the material simple but also provide everything that needs covered.  I also need to make sure to keep the info short so it doesn’t keep employees from their assigned tasks for very long.  This will also ensure that it keeps their attention.

IDT 735 Blog 5

  1. Read “Makerspaces: A Creative Approach to Education”. List two to three projects you like and the reason why you like them.

Kindergarten Pumpkin Project – I really liked this project because my youngest son did this when he was in kindergarten. His class did one on guessing the weight of the pumpkin before and after carving and also guessing the amount of pumpkin seeds.  I like it because it gets the students involved in something that they are already excited about (Halloween).  It allows them to use problem solving to determine the best way to transport the pumpkin without adult assistance.

It allowed them to also bring their ideas to life with the aid of a 3-D printer.  This allows them to see how they can create and invent items that can help them in everyday life.

First Grade Human Body – I like the idea of allowing students to fully grasp the concept of the human body. I feel that individuals, especially children, understand what organs do on a very basic level but that is where the knowledge stops.   The idea of creating the image and being able to fully explore the functions and abilities of our bodies is so important.  It can help young children understand the importance of staying healthy and taking care of your body.

2.  Read “Making Makerspaces Work on Campus” and “Makerspaces and Contributions to Entrepreneurship”. Think about the benefits of makerspace will bring to students and the challenges teachers may face when they implement makerspace. List the benefits and challenges in your journal.


  • Develop new skills
  • Creative Environment
  • Create entrepreneurs
  • Encourage problem solving
  • Self-Discipline
  • Intrinsic Motivation
  • Social Environment
  • Prototyping


  • no general agreement as to what constitutes a makerspace in an academic setting
  • Allowing the flexibility for classes and learning
  • Funding
  • Space available
  • Incorporating new ideas into a very structured environment
  • Training/Hiring educators who are comfortable with this new format

IDT-740 Design Journal 2


I have been working on building the content for my final project. I created an outline of all the topics that I wanted to educate the staff on and started to pull information from credible sources for the content. I utilized the FARE webpage mostly due to the vast information they have on Food Allergies. I started to learn how to build content and add information in the e-campus program. At first, it was a little confusing to figure out adding content but after I worked with the system it became much easier.
I also wanted to create the grading system for the quiz at the end of the program. I was able to determine how to utilize the grading system but had trouble breaking it down into units. My goal is to be able to have the employees grouped by the unit they work in. That will make it easier for the managers and myself to determine who needs to complete the training. After a few phone calls for assistance, I was able to complete that task.
The reading this week had me looking at the process involved for this project and how to work through the different levels of instructional design theory. I started thinking about the different issues that may arise in relation to training, preparation, and education. I have a wide range of educational levels and training levels for the employee population. I need to ensure the training is basic enough to meet employees needs who may have limited education but also keep the interest of those with a higher educational background. I will also have my stakeholders review the material to make sure that it will meet the various levels of education that our employees possess.

IDT-740 Design Journal 1


Design Journal-1 IDT 740

While reviewing the first reading assignment, I was able to come across some interesting views on design thinker characteristics. I think that we sometimes get “caught up” in the end product and fail to envision all of the details that must be taken into account to have a functioning and valuable program.  The designer should be able to envision the end product but be able to verbalize how to get there.   The program should also meet the needs of the learners as well.  The designer needs to fully evaluate the learning objectives and the education level of the audience to produce a complete and useful system that can be used effectively.

I received the blessing to start the building of my class from my director. I received input from him and the associate directors on what they would like to see from the program.  I have contacted Donna Sibray and Dawn Hernandez to set up my ability to create a class in e-campus.  I have spoken with both of them about how to create a class and they have been very helpful.  I started an outline on the format for my final project.  I have not encountered any issues yet but I am just starting out.  I am sure there will be some obstacles along the way.

I was able to get my account set-up and have started “playing” around with the functions of e-campus. So far, it seems like it is pretty straightforward.  I have worked on setting up the different dining locations so I can have a list of the employees who have completed the training at that site.  It will give me a list of all locations and I can also pull up a full list of all employees combined in the grading center.

IDT 735 Blog 4


Blog 4

  1. After reviewing the many the many uses for Google Applications, I decided that the ability to journal and language translation would be very useful for me in my profession, I will often have my clients’ journal their meals/drinks for 3 days before they come in for their appointment. That way I can review their diet habits and start to formulate a plan before they come into my office.   That way I have more time to spend counseling them instead of reviewing the plan when they get there.   The ability to have them create the journal through Google Apps would be very beneficial to me before and after the appointment. After the appointment, they could journal their changes and I would be able to review and comment on it.Also, Google Translations would be very beneficial as well. When I worked in a clinical setting, I would have many Spanish speaking patients. This app would have allowed me to create their education material in their native language. Often we would rely on translators, but the ability to give them a written handout would have been more effective.
  2. The benefits of using Adaptive technology are many. Firstly, it allows teachers the ability to adapt lessons to fit the needs of individual students. It also empowers teachers with information on how their students are doing. They can track progress via class reports. It decreases the risk of students falling behind and students can also get real time responses to their assignments. Lastly, it helps to make interactions between the teacher and students more productive.

One of the challenges to using adaptive technology is the inability to  provide sufficient training to educators. Also, there may be a resistance to change.  For some,  there may also be a lack of personalized delivery to the students.  A one-size-fits-all approach will not work for the varied learners in a classroom.  Another challenge can be the financial investment that would need to be made to provide the students and educators with the technology to provide instruction.

Overall, there will be challenges and benefits to any program used in education. That’s why it is important to weigh all the options and provide the technology that will fit the budget but also provide the best instruction for students and teachers.

IDT-735 Blog 3


We often hear the term digital literacy. After reading the article on digital literacy, what do you think digital literacy is? Why is it important?

According to our reading this week, Digital learning is defined as the general ability to use computers alongside a set of skills such as the ability to use word processors or database software with no reference to socio-cultural dimensions of digital literacies (Gruszczynska, A., Merchant, G. and Pountney, R., Pg 193).

According to JISC’s (Joint Information Systems Committee, the framework looks at the anatomy of digital literacy from two different but related perspectives. The first is as a frame for access, skills and practices. This includes the functional access to networks, devices, services, software and content that individuals require to exercise and develop digital literacy. The availability of these to individuals and social groups within society and in particular contexts such as education, is a key factor, especially in light of how, increasingly, the boundaries between work, leisure and education have become blurred. Here, the distinction between a practice and a skill is somewhat ill-defined and one in which media and information literacy are categorized alongside techno-social and academic practice. The second element of this anatomy is the contexts for these practices/skills, including the workplace, learning environments, the personal/social context and community. Key to this second frame is the concept of identity and its manifestation in social networks, lifestyles, learning and work communities (JISC, 2011). Inherent in this are two related sub-systems that are indicated by the labelling of this anatomy: ICT skills and Digital Practices. (Gruszczynska, A., et al., Pg 193).

Personally, I feel that digital literacy is the ability to integrate technology into our daily lives to be able to find, evaluate, and apply technology to our everyday lives.

Digital literacy is important because it allows that person to possess a range of digital skills, knowledge of the basic principles of computing devices, skills in using computer networks, an ability to engage in online communities and social networks while adhering to behavioral protocols, be able to find, capture and evaluate information, an understanding of the societal issues raised by digital technologies (such as big data), and possess critical thinking skills (Digital Literacy).

What are the characteristics of student use of technology? What factors affect student use of technology?

The characteristics of student use of technology is we have more of a diverse population today in our school systems. We need to find a way to educate all students at the level they are at. Some students have more access to technology than others. We, as educators, need to realize that “one size does not fit all” any longer when developing curriculum. Students will use technology at home and school. It is a resource that is available 24 hours per day. Today students have access to knowledge on an “as needed” basis and they process information differently than other generations of students.

The factors that affect student use of technology are many. Socio-economic class, access to internet connectivity, number of computers per student in the school system, school district restrictions on technology, and teacher beliefs and ability to use technology in the classroom, availability of software (Dolan, J., Pg. 19)
If you have an idea about your final project, write several learning objectives for your project. If you don’t, you can skip this one.

I am still thinking about my final project. I am not sure what direction I would like to take. I do know that my objectives will be related to:
a) Increasing knowledge in an area of nutrition.
b) The student will demonstrate understanding of the information provided.
c) The student will be capable of using the technology for the lesson planned.

Works Cited
1. “Digital Literacy.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 02 Sept. 2016. <;.
2. Dolan, Jennifer E. (2016) Splicing the Divide: A Review of Research on the Evolving Digital Divide Among K–12 Students, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 48:1, 16-37, DOI: 10.1080/15391523.2015.1103147
3. Gruszczynska, A., Merchant, G. and Pountney, R., ͟ “Digital Futures in Teacher Education”: Exploring Open Approaches towards Digital Literacy͟ The Electronic Journal of e-Learning Volume 11 Issue 3 2013, (pp193- 206), available online at